Thursday, August 7, 2008

A New Hope

We cannot deny the fact that there are people who are addicted to substances like illegal drugs. The fact that we recognize them is the first step in trying to eliminate this problem. We should give them hope and encourage them to start living a better life.

Inside drug rehab centers these individuals have a chance to have a more productive life. With the support of the staffs, crew, family and friends they will have a better point of view in life and would try and reconsider there wrong doings. These people are lost in this world and they will find their life’s worth and have peace of mind as they undergo drug treatment programs. All addicted individuals have the capacity to turn a new leaf and so we should never grow tired of trying to change them. With a steady heart and a strong will, we can help these individuals taste the better side of life and drive them away from their old bad habits.

All they need is some recognition and guidance for them to act as responsible individuals. We should try and comfort them and sympathize with them in their darkest hours so they won’t live in agony. Substance abuse is a serious threat in our society; let us do our part in keeping our nation drug free. As we let these kind of condition slip out of our concern the more this condition will stay and worsen.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Treatment Advocate

Drug rehabilitation centers are established to help those in struggle with drug addiction. They do not choose whom they help, who ever volunteers to submit themselves to the center are welcome to stay and undergo programs.

The centers are not only dependent on the knowledge of their staff and their programs but with the reciprocated help of the clients too. With out the patients helping them own self then the percentage of them getting better is only fifty per cent because the other fifty should be coming from them. The drug rehab programs are only effective when both parties, the client and the staff, are in coordination. The dedicated staffs may give all there full attention, majority of their time, and all of their heart but if the client is not eager to get well then chances are he won’t eventually.

On the other side, one of the staffs’ main objectives in helping the clients is to let them understand that the staffs are only advocate of their own process of treatment. Making them accept that they are ill so the patient will realize what he/she needs to do in order to gain back a healthy life. Substance abuse councilors very well understand of the client’s position and very patients in the process of helping out.

In this way, the client will learn to be independent and be aware of his/ her own limitation and status in wellness.